Thursday 30 August 2012

The Book Report - Update #1

As many of you know my book has been in the editing stage for quite some time.  Who knew it would be so much work to release a book?! 

But today I am excited to announce it is now officially in the formatting stage.  After many trials and tribulations I have submitted my book, cover art, and picture section to the online publisher.  This was completed this Tuesday, August 28th!

The online publisher is going to convert my Word document into an ePublishing file and then I am going to have to make sure it came out alright, make any necessary changes, and wait a 3 day lead time to have it sent to online publishers.

Once sent to the online publishers the lead time looks like this:

Amazon Kindle: Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 2-4 business days
iBookstore:   approximately 3-6 weeks from when we deliver to them.
Barnes & Noble:    approximately 2-4 weeks from when we deliver to them.
Sony:    approximately 4-6 weeks from when we deliver to them.
Kobo:  approximately 2-3 weeks from when we deliver to them.
Gardners: approximately 3-4 weeks from when we deliver to them.
Baker & Taylor:  approximately 2-3 weeks from when we deliver to them.
eBookPie: approximately 2-3 weeks from when we deliver to them.

Thus I am going to set a tentative release date for the Amazon Kindle of Thursday September 27th to be safe.  Once on Amazon you can download an app for your iPad, Mac, or PC and get the book right away, or you can wait for the lead times listed to get it on another online bookstore.

I also plan to do a Book on Tape so that there will be an audio version of the book available eventually.

I will give more updates on this Blog as to when the book is actually live and how the Book on Tape is coming along and set a release date for that.  So please check back for updates!

This has been 'The Book Report - Update #1'.  Get excited for a release my babies!

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